Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Today I received my confirmation email from the Geek Squad for the scheduled repairs on my television. I did have a couple of questions about how they deal with Samsung. Specifically, I wanted to know if my repairs with Geek Squad would create some sort of documented record with Samsung just in case the buzzing turns out to be an ongoing issue and I need to replace or further repair the television down the road. Normally I wouldn’t be worrying this far ahead, but a couple of similar stories I’ve read were a little concerning and I wanted to be on the safe side.

I gave the Geek Squad a call and spoke with an agent. She was very helpful and assured me that having them do the repairs was similar to calling Samsung and having them contract out the repairs. She also said that Samsung would have a record of the repair and all of my information once they are billed for the first Geek Squad visit on the 20th. She also stated that any “ongoing repairs” would be covered by the warranty, even if they drag on past the end of the one year period. It appears that “ongoing” is defined as anything within 30-60 days of the previous repair. That being the case, she said it was important that I let them know right away if the problem isn’t fixed. In the event that the problem is deemed unfixable, then I would need to contact Samsung about a replacement. She said they would weigh the cost of fixing it and how many repair issues I’ve endured with how much a comparable television would cost the company. Again, I hope it never comes to that and this new power supply fixes everything.

She also noted that it is helpful to unplug LED televisions once in a while. Amongst other things, this apparently allows the television to reset itself and keeps the motherboard in good shape. She wished that they told people this when they sold them the television. I think I’ll start doing this more often. It sounds like good advice.

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